
Contradictions are not roadblocks, but gateways. Gateways to greater learning, deeper meaning, higher purpose. 

I welcome them as chances to grow, evolve and transform. I step back and see the bigger picture, the grander story, the divine plan. I see how contradictions are not barriers, but bridges. Bridges that link me to myself, to others, and to gratitude.

How to Handle Contradictions That Are Not Always Open Gateways: A Guide for the Resilient and Hopeful

What if the bridges are not always open or stable? What if the contradictions are not always clear? What if I encounter a contradiction that challenges everything I thought I knew, everything I believed in, everything I hoped for? What if I face a contradiction that threatens to destroy me, to separate me, to shatter me? What if I meet a contradiction that is not a friend, but a foe?

One possible way to deal with contradictions that are not gateways is to acknowledge them, but not let them define you. 

You can:
  • Recognize that contradictions are part of life, but not the whole of it. 
  • Accept that contradictions may cause you pain, but not despair. You can remember that contradictions may test you, but not break you. 
  • Trust that contradictions may change you, but not erase you. 
  • Hope that contradictions may lead you, but not mislead you. 
  • Choose to see contradictions as challenges, but not as enemies.


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